How to Regain Control When Life Seems Overwhelming.

Did you miss me? Well I sure missed you! Last summer, my job changed and I suddenly found missing the work/life balance I had worked so hard to obtain. I felt like I was asked to juggle 15 bowling pins fully knowing I could only manage 7 or 8. I was stressed, exhausted, and always worrying about what was going to fall through the cracks next. Luckily, because I’ve experienced that feeling before, I already had a plan in place to help me regain my control (and my sanity).
What do you do when life becomes hectic? Regain control (and peace of mind) by shifting into mission critical status.
Once I realized my plate was too full, I quickly switched into mission critical mode focusing only on the tasks that were truly important to me and putting almost everything else on hold. As my life started to fall back into pieces, I started adding some of the previously “on hold” items back in. For me, shifting to mission critical mode allows me to ensure the things that need to happen, happen while still allowing time for adequate rest and relaxation.

Step 1: Write down all of your tasks and responsibilities.
Regardless of how large or how small it is, put it down on paper.  Your list should include both the common, recurring things like making dinner, doing laundry, or going to work as well as the larger or less frequent items like hosting someone’s birthday party, mailing out holiday cards, or even getting quotes on car insurance.

Step 2: Identify your mission critical tasks.
Mission critical tasks are the things that are absolutely critical to your personal or family mission statement. For me, these are things like ensuring my husband and I make time to connect on a daily basis or ensuring we have healthy meals to eat. As you review each item on your list, mark the mission critical tasks with a little star.

Step 3: Evaluate your non-mission critical tasks.
Review each task that isn’t mission critical and ask yourself two simple questions:
     1. Does your health of quality of life depend on it?
     2. Does the task bring you joy?
If you answered yes to both of these questions, put a plus sign next to the task.

Step 4: Divide your tasks into two lists: mission critical and on hold.
Mission critical items (those tasks marked with a star) as well as the items you marked with a plus sign in Step 3 should be placed on the mission critical list. All other items should be moved to your oh hold list. These are the tasks that you will put on hold temporarily until life settles down again.

Step 5: Give yourself permission to actually put the on hold tasks on hold.
This may honestly be the hardest step of the process.  When I’m stressed, my stubborn streak is at its strongest; pressuring me to just buckle down and accomplish everything on both of my lists. But in all honesty, it isn’t healthy or even productive to continually run on empty. When you feel stressed and weighed down is when your body and mind need you to stand up for them. Give yourself the permission to place the non-essential, non-critical tasks on hold. Allowing yourself this space will give you the time and energy you need to really focus on the important things in your life. And, once life settles down, you can come back to your On Hold list. Just be sure to add only a few items in at a time so as not to overburden yourself again.

Shifting into mission critical status allows you to focus on your top priorities without feeling guilty about the stuff you aren’t able to get to.  I love writing and sharing on this site but when my heart starts to shout that I’m stretched too thin, I have to listen and restructure my time accordingly. Luckily, my life’s balance has been restored and I’m excited to start working on all the things I have planned at My Whole Happy Life. 

Do you take time to recharge when life gets hectic? What’s one thing that you feel really helps make a difference? I’d love to talk with you about it. Shoot me an email or post a comment below. 

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