3 Reasons to Skip the Gifts this Christmas (And What to do Instead)
For a few years now, my husband and I have been trying to encourage our families to switch away from the traditional gift-giving Christmas and do something non-gift related instead. This year, my side of the family finally agreed (cue my happy dance!). Instead of giving gifts, we're going to plan a trip to Monterey to watch the whales.
Some of you are probably wondering why I'm anti-presents. The answer is that I'm not. I love the holidays and I actually love gift giving, but lately it seems like we're moving farther and farther away from the real meaning of the holidays and closer instead to commercialism. In fact, I just saw a preview for a Hallmark-type movie where the entire premise is based on the fact that the father didn't have money to buy his kids gifts. So what does he do? He goes to work in a coal mine. That's right, he leaves his wife and kids at home to take on the super dangerous job of a coal miner, all in order to afford the gifts his family deserves. Sure, you could say its sweet that he is willing to work so hard to create a happy holidays for his family, but I couldn't help but think maybe his kids would rather spend time with their father than have him gone all night.
1) It helps take the stress out of the holidays.
Do you ever find yourself pulling out your hair trying to think up that perfect gift for someone? Or worse yet, finding yourself in a not-so-jolly mood after dealing with yet another store packed to the brim with cranky shoppers? Well good news folks, no gifts means no gift-related stress. No more pressure to find the perfect item. No more worry that you're not getting enough. And no more standing in those seven hour lines on Black Friday.
2) Its cost effective.
Let's be honest, Christmas gifts aren't cheap. Not only that, but if we fall into the trap of trying to out-do ourselves year after year, it can get down right crazy. Save yourself the stress (and the money) and focus on enjoying your time with your family and friends.
3) It helps us remember what the holidays are really about: our loved ones.
The holidays are not supposed to be about the presents, they're supposed to be about spending time with the ones love most.
So, instead of stressing out over what to get that person who already owns everything, try one of the following activities instead. Who knows, maybe you'll find a new Christmas tradition.
Gift Free Holiday Activities
Cookie Decorating
I will always remember helping my mom and my grandma decorate dozens of Santa Clause cookies. I had such a wonderful time decorating those sugary red hats and coconut beards. I can't wait to recreate those memories with my future children.
Holiday Themed Charades or Pictionary
The best memories are filled with laughter and what could be more fun then embarrassing yourself in front of family and friends with your super amazing acting or drawing skills.
Make an Ornament
Find a few DIY Ornaments on Pinterest and not only will you have some fun with arts and crafts, but you'll also create a keepsake you can hang on your tree year after year. Need some ideas? Check out these cute popsicle stick ornaments from the Chickabug Blog.
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Image Found on The Chickabug Blog |
Candy Cane Hunt
If you're worried about missing that Christmas morning excitement, try doing a Candy Cane Hunt. It's just like an Easter Egg Hunt but with candy canes instead. Wake up a little earlier Christmas morning and hide a bunch of candy canes outside or throughout your house. When the kids wake up, they'll have a blast trying to find them all.
Cocoa and Christmas Lights
Grab some hot cocoa, hop in the car, and go scope out your favorite Christmas lights in the neighborhood. Last year, we were lucky enough to find an entire street that went all out on the decorations. It was so fun to walk around in the chilly air, sipping on your cocoa, and taking in the sights. I can't wait to see what everyone does this year.
Christmas Book Countdown
I found this idea on the blog Simple As That. Towards the end of November, Rebecca and her family wrap their favorite Christmas books and spend each evening in December unwrapping and reading one of the books together. I don't know if it gets any cuter than that! She even has printable Christmas Countdown Tags that you can download for free.
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Image found at Simple As That |
If you're still worried about a lack-luster Christmas without the gifts, don't worry. Going gift free is a big step. If this is your first year trying to simplify things, try reducing the number of gifts you exchange or even doing a white elephant gift exchange. I promise though, happy memories will last much longer than even the most perfect gift will.
Do you and your family have a gift-free tradition? I'd love to hear about it! Shoot me an email or post a comment below.
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