Bring on the happy!

About a year ago I started thinking about happiness. I consider myself to be a relatively happy person but after about 9 months of throwing myself into my work, I began to realize that I was slipping. I wasn't doing the things that make me happy as much as I used to and it was beginning to take its toll. I was stressed, I got sick, and I was tired almost all the time.

Once I realized how much of an effect work was having on my life, I decided to make a change. I started to make time in my schedule to do the things that make me happy. I decorated my house for Halloween, I spent some time with my friends, I started cooking wholesome meals for myself and my husband. In short - I made happiness a priority. Within a few weeks, I began to feel like myself again. The stress started to lessen and I started to feel more energetic.

I feel very lucky to have realized that I was changing before it took me over - to be able to refocus, reset my priorities, and get back to all the things that make me happy. I do not want to lose my happy self. And, just like maintaining any other skill, I think it's important for us to keep track of all the things that bring us joy and to try to do those things as often as we can.

Or, to put it another way, I believe its important to practice happiness.

It can be difficult to focus on your happiness.Work demands can take away your focus or time. Unhappy people can try to bring you into their fog. Even life likes to throw in a curve ball every now and then. Because of these challenges, its important that we find a way for us to check in with our selves, to remind ourselves of what it is that makes us happy and how it feels to be happy.

That's what I'll be doing here; creating a happy list of things that bring me joy and making sure I do them on an ongoing basis. The list will probably include a wide selection of things - funny stories, craft ideas, holiday decorations, yummy recipes, hiking trails, adorable pictures that make you smile, and who knows what else.

So follow along and share your ideas. I'd love to hear about the things that make you happy. And if by chance you are able to find a few things from this list that bring you joy - let me know! I would love to be able to bring a little happy into your life.


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